What Animals Live In Antarctica

Compared to most of the rest of the world Antarctica is home to few species around 235 marine species.
What animals live in antarctica. Facts show that there are eight species of penguins seven species of seals ten species of whales and a few migratory birds and terrestrial invertebrates. The waters around Antarctica are surrounded by numerous animals including squid crabs ice fish krill plunder fish elephant and leopard seals giant petrels and Antarctic terns humpback and. The creatures that thrive in this seemingly barren environment capture our imagination as living proof of the remarkable resilience and adaptivity.
Like emperor penguins Adélies live and breed exclusively in the polar regions. About 200 species have been discovered. Antarctic animal adaption to temperature stress are governed primarily by two rules.
Aside from emperor penguins Adelie penguins are the only true Antarctic penguins meaning they live there all year long. What kind of whales live in the Antarctic. The Wildlife of Antarcticas Islands and Peninsula Known as the great white desert Antarctica doesnt provide the most hospitable environment for life forms to survive.
The most common question asked about the animals in Antarctica is how do they survive with the extreme cold circumstances that are found there. But that just makes the few extremophile species who do thrive there all the more impressive. Apart from which bugs and a few birds take up a portion of the living.
Animals in Antarctica - South Polar. The seas around Antarctica are rich in marine sea-living animals ranging from microscopic plankton to the largest animal ever to live on Earth the blue whale. Most of the animals of the south polar region are.
Arctic and Antarctic birds and mammals such as penguins whales bears foxes and seals - are warm blooded animals and they maintain similar internal body temperatures to warm blooded animals in any other climate zone - that is 35-42ÂC 95-107ÂF depending on the species. ANIMALS THAT LIVE ON LAND IN ANTARCTICA Even though birds and seals are mostyly seen in the Antarctic the only land animals that live there all year round are tiny. Antarctic Peninsula breeding from October to February chicks present from late December to February.