Droncit For Cats Spot On

Droncit spot on is a powerful treatment for tapeworm infection in cats.
Droncit for cats spot on. A single application of Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer for Cats effectively kills all forms o. Containing praziquantel as the active ingredient Droncit Spot-On uses a vet-strength formula that targets both immature and mature forms of adult tapeworms to impair their normal functions. Droncit Spot-On is a special topical treatment for tapeworm infection in cats.
Droncit Spot On is an effective tapeworm treatment for felines that is very swift and easy way to worm your kitty without the trauma of getting the pet to swallow a tablet. The topical treatment is effective against varies species of tapeworms including Echinococcus multilocularis as well as mature and immature forms of of Dipylidium caninum and Taenia species. ProductDroncit Spot-on 20 mg Solution Product indexDroncit Spot-on 20 mg Solution Next Presentation A clear colourless to slightly reddish solution for spot-on use containing 20 mg praziquantel per 05 ml tube with 05 mg butylated hydroxytoluene.
The product is also effective against Echinococcus multilocularis. Upon applying the liquid onto the nape of his neck yes I must admit Oreo looked quite comical attempting to lick the solution off. It is a clinically proven topical treatment for tapeworm infection in cats.
Specifically formulated with cats in mind Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer targets both immature and mature forms of adult tapeworms in cats. Worms in cats can be a big problem but they dont have to be. Droncit Spot-On Tapewormer for Cats from 1kg Pack of 4 is for the treatment of tapeworms in cats.
It is an effective spot-on that works against mature and immature forms of Dipylidium caninum and Taenia species. Dronspot spot on wormer for cats works fast to fight intestinal worms in a single application. For the treatment of tapeworms in cats.
Uses For the treatment of tapeworms of cats. Highly-effective treatment against all the common species of tapeworm found in cats of the United Kingdom and Ireland including Dipilydium caninum and Taenia species. Droncit Spot-On for Cats.