Different Animal Names In Spanish

El perico - Parakeet.
Different animal names in spanish. Águila eagle toro bull perro dog or gato cat are some of the names in Spanish of the animals that are living on Earth. Mi reinarey my queenking. Fun Spanish Dog Names.
El pez - Fish. A Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica. If you need to distinguish between the female and male of a species and there arent separate names you can use the invariable adjective hembra or macho respectively.
If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device. Learn zoo animals farm animals African animals Preschool an. Different Animal Names In Spanish.
For example a group of turkeys can be known as una manada de pavosother types of animals that can congregate in manadas include wolves gnus wolves lions horses monkeys and hyenas among many others. Learn how to say flowers plants trees in Spanish language. Some of the most common Spanish pet names include corazón and cielo Mi corazón means my sweetheart and cielo is the equivalent of darling or honey in English.
El ratón la ratona male mouse female mouse. Some of the names like Maya and Ariana have also made to the top list. El gato - Cat.
La vaca el toro cow bull. A very good childrens video with a catchy musical flair. You will find all of our animals below.